Aura Medspa

Discover the Power of Hormone Pellets with BioTE

Feel the difference

Why Choose BioTE Pellets?

BioTE is the industry leader in hormone replacement therapy, offering a natural, effective, and tailored approach to balance both men’s and women’s hormones. As a certified BioTE provider, we’re committed to delivering the highest standard of care.
As we age, our bodies naturally start to reduce the amount of hormones like testosterone and estrogen they produce. Hormones such as these are incredibly important to how many areas of your body function – such as your brain, heart, bones, reproductive organs, and more.
When these hormones are out of balance, people can experience a number of different symptoms. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring the balance of your hormones and aiming to relieve these symptoms, using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces. That way, your
body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.

Symptoms Treated for Men:

• Low sex drive
• Fatigue
• Loss of muscle mass
• Increased body fat (especially in the
waist area)
• Mood changes
• Irritability
• Elevated blood sugar
• Feelings of stress or anxiety
• High cholesterol

• Fatigue
• Night sweats
• Hot flashes or flushes
• Decreased sex drive
• Weight gain
• Trouble sleeping
• Irritability
• Anxiousness
• Mood swings
• Brain fog
• Low mood
• Decreased bone mass
• Discomfort during intercourse

Why BioTE Pellets?

  • Natural: BioTE pellets are bioidentical, mirroring the hormones naturally produced by your body.
  • Consistent: Pellets provide a steady hormone release, avoiding the peaks and troughs of other methods.
  • Tailored to You: Each treatment is customized to your unique hormonal needs.
  • Safe & Effective: As a certified BioTE provider, we adhere to the highest standards of safety and efficacy.


You can expect alleviation of symptoms to begin within 2-4 weeks, and to expect pellet reinsertion within 3-6 months depending on individual needs

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


What Our Client Says

Sarah Allison Art Director

Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat

Adeline Eliana Therapist

Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat

Clara Melanie Beautician

Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat


    Our Mission

    At Aura Medspa, we are committed to offering aesthetic services that meet your ongoing health and well-being objectives and goals, providing exceptional quality and life-changing experiences to nourish, educate, and inspire truly.

    Our Vision

    To keep growing and progressing with the aesthetic industry and having the top specialized master artists in each field.